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How can we help

From "Busy" to "Focused"

Are the members of your teams constantly busy, yet struggle to effectively deliver? Does it feel like the goal is more on keeping people occupied rather than delivering real value? Are you wondering about:

  • What could we do to increase our efficiency?

  • How do we get predictability with our teams?

We can help you and your teams "find the flow". We teach you the key principles to focus on and guide your teams so they can find their optimal workflow to achieve high-efficiency and predictability.

From "It's on the Wiki" to "Practice what you Preach"

All your processes and rules are nicely defined in the wiki, but you somehow struggle to make them a reality? Plans are created, stored somewhere, but never looked at again? Are you wondering about:

  • How to create a visible movement within your organization based on the insights collected?

  • How to engage your people again?

We support you in taking action based on the data collected and give your existing meetings and interactions more purpose. We will help you to eliminate waste from meetings or get rid of them altogether. We can guide in creating plans that are not only visible to everyone, but also updated continuously so you can answer your stakeholders most important question: When will we get this feature?

From "Unknown" to "Visible"

Is essential information in your organization hard to find or not known at all to those doing the work? Are decisions being made based on half-truths, gut feeling, or not being made at all? Are you or your teams having dependencies outside of your team, forcing you to not sit and wait instead of taking action?

If you were ever thinking:

  • If we would have been aware, we would have decided differently

  • If only we could make a decision instead of waiting for someone else and waiting around

We can support you. We'll guide you in finding the right way to visualize your data, so that your employees can make decisions and act, rather than simply waiting for others. By creating a Visual Management System, your teams and organization are able to drive execution based on the data that is available.

From "Feelings" to "Facts"

Do you make lots of your decisions based on gut feeling rather than data? Are you struggling with collecting the right data or are you unsure which metrics to look at in the first place? Examples of "feelings over facts" we've experienced are:

  • Investing lots of time in estimation to create plans that rarely resemble reality

  • Collecting lots of metrics, but none of them are actionable respectively no action is ever taken

  • Retrospectives that revolve around vanity metrics such as Velocity or "Committed vs. Delivered"

We can help you identify actionable metrics that will support you in continuously improving. We support you on what data you can use, how you can visualize it, and guide you in defining at what points you should take action.

What We Offer


Explore with your teams how focusing on flow helps to increase effectiveness, efficiency, and predictability.

Share how you can use probabilistic forecasting together with your Product people, so we can confidently answer "When will it be done?".

Find out what alternatives are there to traditional estimates that allow you to create plans you can be more confident in with less effort, based on real team performance.


Together with you, we will design how support would look like based on what we offer.

This might be supporting you in getting the data you need or setting up a forecast model.

Organizational Scan

We’ll gather all necessary data to perform a health check and guide you towards improvement points your organization can take in order to move into flow of delivery.

A Friendly Chat

Just want to have a chat with us?
Bring your coffee or tea along and jump on a call with us.

Why do we even care about all this?

It is getting harder and harder for us to focus on our work. Monotonous interactions and recurring meetings keep us busy as well as distracted from what should be our focus: delivering value to our customers.

As we go on, more meetings are added to rectify the situation, more things are "high-priority" and even less gets done.

The result? Frustrated team members, overwhelmed managers, angry stakeholders, and complaining customers.

People want to contribute. People want to deliver value. People want to be part of something successful. We just need to let them work.

We've seen what impact a change in the system can have on individuals, teams, as well as an organization as a whole.

We'd like to support you in unleashing the full potential of your employees and teams.

Peter Zylka-Greger



I'm Peter - for years I have been fortunate enough to work
with teams 
all over the world. It is something that I
thoroughly enjoy and that

helped me to see what a great team is capable of achieving.

But it also showed me that it is not just done by putting individuals

into a group and mixing them with others.

Having a variety of techniques, emotional intelligence and
a good toolkit at hand are very helpful.

I'm happy to be able to share some of these with you.

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Who are we?


Benjamin Huser-Berta

I'm Benjamin (but you can call me Benji). I'm a Software Engineer and a professional Scrum Master.

In my work as a developer as well as an Agile Coach, I've experienced how teams are struggling. Being forced to spend time in meetings that are not bringing any value just because the process demands it. Not having time to support each other because the amount of work is overwhelming. Those are just a few things that make people lose their motivation and work dull and frustrating.

I believe work can be creative and fun. I believe we can reduce those wasteful activities and create an environment where you can focus on delivering value instead of simply being busy. And I believe that you and your team can move in this direction as well, independent of your current environment and processes.

I'd love to support you while moving in this direction.

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Peter and Benji facilitated a highly interactive, highly engaging workshop for our teams.  Their experience and knowledge helped participants smoothly navigate across topics that could otherwise be confusing or daunting.
In a single session, we addressed the foundation of flow metrics and supporting theories. The teams had the opportunity to experience a first-person view of the effects of high work-in-progress rates and how to optimize workflows. Working with Peter and Benji has been a crucial first step towards incorporating best practices that will help us maximize the efficiency of our processes, freeing our teams up to invest in experimentation and hypothesis validation.

Want to know more?

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